Rezervace stolu

Vždy uvádějte datum, hodinu a počet osob nebo počet porcí k vyzvednutí.

Potvrzení vaší rezervace nebo objednávky obdržíte do 24 hod.







We declare that during the processing of personal data provided by the client in connection with an order and purchase of services from the DANTE'S Bistro, Masarykovo nábř. 38/2058, 110 00 Praha 1, we observe Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on Personal Data Protection. After provable identification, the customer is entitled to access, modify and correct, and is enabled to delete, data relating to him/her. Should you wish to exercise this entitlement of yours and receive information relating to you, please contact the DANTE'S Bistro, Masarykovo nábř. 38/2058, 110 00 Praha 1. By making his/her order the purchaser confirms that he/she agrees with the processing of his/her personal data.

Data marked with (*) are required.